Preview: 7pm till late
Bar + food + music + complimentary drinks reception
Bar + food + music + complimentary drinks reception
Peer critique led by Ruth Holdsworth: Saturday 10th, 2 - 3pm
Exhibition continues:
Friday 9th – Sunday 11th, 12 – 6pm
With a background that crosses experimental performance and fine art, Paul Hurley’s recent practice has consisted almost exclusively of live work, much of which involves explorations of ritualised action, endurance and abjection. It teeters past the limits of the mundane self, approaching vulnerability and actuating affect. It evolves affectivity and joy - as in the capacity for being affected to the point of pain or extreme pleasure - which comes to the same.
Interested in using the body and everyday materials to create visual images that transcend our usual physical and functional orientation, Hurley makes meaningful secular spiritual rituals, seriously, creatively and with warm humour.