Owen has been an integral member of Motorcycle Showroom and shows his work under the pseudonym 'Jugovic'. He will be able to enjoy the two months of August and September with unlimited access to our lovely 1000 square foot space, plus one-to-one mentoring and peer critiques.
Part of his proposal is to construct 'an ambitious architectural installation'... we can't wait to see how his project develops.
The residency will culminate in a show of Owen's work opening on Thursday October 4th. We hope you can join us then, and additionally in welcoming Owen to the space on August 2nd, with a special performance event from last years Summer Residency artists Sullivan & Flint.
See more of Owen Clarkes work here: jugovic.co.uk
The Summer Residency is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

The residency will culminate in a show of Owen's work opening on Thursday October 4th. We hope you can join us then, and additionally in welcoming Owen to the space on August 2nd, with a special performance event from last years Summer Residency artists Sullivan & Flint.
See more of Owen Clarkes work here: jugovic.co.uk
The Summer Residency is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.